Friday, September 16, 2016


     The landscape of Connecticut consists of vast, lush lands, sandy shores and rocky coastlines. Complimenting the land are a number of idyllic waterfalls, rivers, river valleys, and dense forests. It is the third smallest state, but also one of the original 13 colonies. On its northern border is the state of Massachusetts, Rhode Island on the eastern border, New York on the western border and the Atlantic Ocean hugging its southern border. This state was also home to many famous historical figures, such as Mark Twain, Samuel Colt, and Wilbur Cross.

A forest alongside a lake in the Connecticut area

     Connecticut is one of the smallest states in the US, falling behind only Delaware and Rhode Island. Because of this, there isn't much variation in the landscape of the state. Much of Connecticut is covered in rolling hills. It also has many beaches, which are popular destinations for boating and vacationing. Although Connecticut has many beaches, and plenty of ocean views, it is mostly surrounded by Long Island.

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     Major cities at the time were New Haven, which was a separate colony until 1662, and Hartford. " [the Charter of 1612's] provisions, the New Haven Colony ceased to exist..."(Finlay, 2016) Most will recognize New Haven as the home of Yale University. Hartford is the state's capitol, and was settled by Massachusetts colonists that disagreed with the direction of the local government.


     Connecticut was a New England colony, and the settlers were therefore English. These colonists were Puritans that separated from Massachusetts so that they could practice their faith separately from the rest of the English. They separated from England because the country was going to become completely Catholic, but these settlers wanted the freedom to practice their form of religion. Most of the early settlers wanted peace and trade with the natives so that both groups could benefit. They refused, however, to leave the natives' territory, and this later sparked a war. These early settlers also had many Dutch men and women among them, who were truly the first to explore this part of the New World. Since there were both Dutch and Englishmen, they spoke both English and Dutch. Since the settlers were Puritans, they were technically Protestants, but were simply Protestants with extreme views.

Image result for connecticut puritan settlers
     As seen above, the colonists wore clothing similar to most other colonists at the time. Men wore tall hats and long shirts, often with small capes. Women wore dresses, but these were mostly utilitarian, and weren't very colorful or eccentric. A lot of the materials that the settlers used came from trade with the native tribes. The most influential tribe that the settlers interacted with was the Pequot tribe. The settlers both traded with, and later fought with, this tribe. They have a reservation Northeast of New Haven.

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     When the Connecticut colony fist started, a man named Thomas Hooker was in charge. He "...led a group of followers west and built a town known as Hartford"(, 2016). Considering the fact that Hartford went on to become the state's capital, Hooker was a fantastic leader. He was "A staunch supporter of universal Christian sufferage (voting rights independent of church membership),"(Encyclopedia Britannica, 2016).

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     By the mid-600s, "...Connecticut had the largest number of slaves in New England"(, 2015). African slaves were integral to Connecticut's early agriculturally focused economy. It took Connecticut longer that normal to abolish slavery, because they put an age restriction on when you could go free. In the end, slavery was abolished in Connecticut just like everywhere else in the US.

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     Major events in Connecticut are numerous and enthralling. The colony had begun in 1635, where settlers were moving in and starting small towns. However, it was not until 1636 that these towns had joined together to make the colony of Connecticut. Later from 1636 to 1637, the Pequot War started, where fighting between the settlers and the Pequot Indians. Interestingly, the original governing body of the colony said that "...Henry Stiles or some of the servants had traded a peace with the Indians for Corn"(Connecticut Council Public Records, 1636). By the end of this "war" the Pequot were decimated. Come 1639, a highly important document was made, outlining the government of Connecticut. These were the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, which had the same layout as what would become the US Constitution. Their Constitution was a great accomplishment on its own, as well, as it was "...the first written Constitution in the Western Hemisphere"(, 2016).

Depiction of the Pequot War

     Aside from its rich history, Connecticut is an amazing place to vacation. It has the charm of New England, as well as a modern lifestyle. Connecticut has many unique eating venues, and gorgeous museums dot the landscape. Believe it or not, you can find yourself lost in the numerous opportunities available in Connecticut.

Image result for yale art museum new haven connecticut


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    Few problems from the colony's early days still exist, but one thing that Connecticut can never change is its geographical location. Because of its coastal position, Connecticut has to deal with the occasional hurricanes, as well as tornadoes. The large amount of water, cool air currents, and "the hot and humid weather"(NBCConnecticut, 2012) create the "perfect storm". While neither are very common, they have caused hundreds of millions of dollars worth of damage in the last 100 years.

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     Modern life in Connecticut is still just as beautiful as it was in colonial times, especially during the second half of the year. There are, however, severe problems with the state today. Although Connecticut is one of the richest states in the US, but it is also in more than $25 billion in debt. This is because the state can't produce as much as it takes in, as is true for most other US states as well. In order to pay off this debt, the average citizen would have to pay nearly $46,000 to the state.

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     As mentioned above, Connecticut is a beautiful state, rich with historical landmarks. You can visit Mark Twain's House, Yale University and their art gallery, as well as their many state parks, such as Indian Well state park.

Image result for indian well state park ct

     Connecticut was one of the original 13 colonies, and therefore has a deeper history than the Western states. Many famous figures are from Connecticut, such as the above mentioned Mark Twain, Samuel Colt, Noah Webster, and Israel Putnam. As a side note, Connecticut was heavily involved with the Salem witch trials, which is in no small amount due to its origins in Massachusetts, and its close proximity to it. In 1647, "...authorities hang Alse Young, the first person in Connecticut to be executed for witchcraft"(, 2015). 

Image result for webster's dictionaryImage result for salem witch trials